About the KCA

The Kittredge Civic Association exists to create and promote a strong sense of community, serve as a forum for community voice, and foster neighborly relationships through activities.


The Kittredge Civic Association, a non-profit community organization, was founded in 1948. Walt Washausen (he and his wife Mae lived on Sheldon Ave.) was instrumental in its creation. Walt later started the Kittredge Sanitation and Water District. The original purpose of the Civic Association was to raise funds for the school building.

Community outreach

In 1953 the KCA was reorganized and began hosting many community events such as square dances every two weeks, holiday parties, box socials, bingo games and spaghetti dinners. They started the traditions of an Egg Hunt in the spring, Kittredge Kapers in the fall (to become Canyonfest in either 1984 or ‘87) and a Community Hayride in December.

The KCA originally lit a tree above the highway at Christmas time. The Association was disbanded for some time in the 1960’s – 70’s. However, today the KCA continues most of those traditions in addition to holding a chili pot-luck and cook off in March, coordinating an Annual Neighborhood Clean Up and Yard Sale in June and hosting an Ice Cream Social in late July/early August. KCA’s goal is to help facilitate communication among people who live and work in the community, and sponsors these events throughout the year to encourage community spirit.

Civic accomplishments

Since its founding and fundraising for a school building, KCA has been instrumental in bringing many positive changes to the community. Some of these include paving the roads (1984) and creating the Kittredge Community Park and Playground (1988) and in 2015/16, making vast improvements to the park using a community build model. KCA has sponsored dialogs with various organizations such as the Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Department, Habitat for Humanity, and the Evergreen Metro District.