KCA Board roles & responsibilities

Becoming a board member of the KCA is a leadership opportunity right here in your community, where you can make a direct impact in the day to day lives of our community members. By carrying forward the mission of the KCA, you make friends and connections with your neighbors while helping to build the best community for today and the future.


  • Preside over all meetings of the KCA;

  • Prepare the agenda for all meetings;

  • Call meetings whenever deemed necessary;

  • Consult with subject-matter experts or appoint someone on the Board of Directors to consult with subject-matter experts as needed and required for proper management and oversight of the business of the KCA;

  • Appoint committee chairs as needed;

  • Serve as ex-officio member of all committees;

  • Establish any ad hoc committee as needed.

Vice President

  • In the absence of, or upon resignation of the President, preside at
    meetings and assume powers and responsibilities of the President;

  • Communicate regularly with committee chairs to ensure continuity and progress;

  • Gather reports from committee chairs to be included in the meetings agendas;

  • Ensure that the Treasurer’s reports are updated and available to the KCA membership;

  • In the case that a Treasurer’s report needs further validation for any
    reason, the VP shall select a subject matter expert to review the books of
    the Treasurer.


  • Record and keep the minutes of all meetings, as well as other

    organizational documents, in an archive online to be available to the public

    in the future and according to the requirements of law and these Bylaws;

  • Minutes will be published and available to membership from all meetings

    (including Board of Director meetings) no later than 7 days prior to the

    next meeting.

  • The minutes must, at the minimum, include: (1) the date and time, (2) a list

    of who is present, (3) a record of motions, seconds, summary of

    discussion related to the motions, and whether or not each motion was

    carried, (4) written reports submitted by committees.

  • Notify members of the date, time, and location of all meetings;

  • Ensure the proper distribution of the agenda, minutes, and committee

    reports in advance of meetings according to the Bylaws;

  • Assist the Board of Directors with correspondences, notices, and other

    official communications.


  • Maintain financial records of the organization and legal access thereto;

  • Maintain books and records of all funds and accounts of the KCA;

  • Make all payments on behalf of the KCA according to these Bylaws except in no event shall the Treasurer make a payment to themselves without first obtaining written approval from the President of the organization;

  • Receive and provide receipts for all payments due and payable to the KCA;

  • Deposit all funds in KCA bank accounts selected by the Board of Directors;

  • Provide a quarterly electronic report detailing all financial transactions including profit and loss and balance sheet of the organization;

  • Provide an annual report detailing the financial condition of the KCA including the net worth of the organization and all books, accounts, disbursements, and receipts;

  • File legal reports, registrations, and other documents necessary to maintain 501(c)3 status with government agencies. This includes the annual IRS Form 990 tax filings and Colorado Secretary of State Periodic Report;

  • Facilitate production of formal budgets for review by the Board of Directors and Membership;

  • Ensure that the KCA is accounting for members, by recording the mailing, physical, and electronic address of each member.


  • Provide support to the Officers in the completion of their duties in any

    manner requested by or assigned by the President;

  • Act as an active voice for and liaison between the community and Board

    of Directors;

  • Actively engage in and participate on at least one standing committee.


  • Any individual (adult 18+ or emancipated) who resides, owns, or uses property as a personal residence or business within the boundary of Kittredge and has paid annual dues, is declared a Voting Member of the KCA. The boundary of Kittredge is defined by the US Census Bureau (i.e. Kittredge is a census-designated place (CDP)), and the CDP boundary corresponds to the boundary shown in Google Maps.

    The KCA also allows and welcomes “contributing members” who do not meet the definition of a voting member, but would like to participate in KCA activities. Contributing members are unable to vote and cannot hold board positions.

  • The KCA is the only nonprofit organization in Kittredge and it is dedicated to creating a strong sense of community to enhance the quality of life in Kittredge. We do this by hosting fun community events in the summer, life music, yoga, and movies in Kittredge Park, and by organizing around important community issues like clean ups, wildfire mitigation, and pedestrian safety efforts. As a volunteer-led organization, the KCA is a great place to get to know your neighbors and the issues facing the community.

  • We currently have three membership tiers which are all available for one-time purchase or annual renewal:

    Individual: $15
    Individual + garden club: $35
    Business: $35

  • Becoming a board member of the KCA is a leadership opportunity right here in your community, where you can make a direct impact in the day to day lives of your family and neighbors. By carrying forward the mission of the KCA, you make friends and connections with your neighbors while helping to build the best community for today and the future.

  • As the saying goes, you get out what you put into it. Depending on the board position and the plan for the upcoming year, you can expect to contribute a minimum of 5 hours per month.

  • You can find a record of the minutes, agendas, and treasury reports at this link: Meeting minutes & agendas